EPIC Yoga Festival X MACAAL

Saturday 22 – Sunday 23 June 2019
8 – 11 am

Al Maaden Golf Resort, Marrakech

For its first edition, MACAAL is partnering with the EPIC Yoga Festival.

As the artistic partner of EPIC Yoga Festival, the Museum will be arranging a special exhibition and workshop program for the mini-festival-goers. The EPIC Kid gatherings run by the MACAAL, will be held at Al Maaden on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd of June from 8am to 11am.

> At MACAAL, guided exhibition tours and meditation based activities
> At the Club House, creative artistic workshops

Guided tours of the exhibitions at MACAAL

Material Insanity
26.02.2019 – 15.08.2019

Gathering more than 30 artists from the continent and its diaspora, Material Insanity explores the material and its symbolic significance in a plurality of dimensions and formal experiences. Through installations made from everyday objects or materials, the exhibition combines various discourses in the service of a new aesthetic.

> A guided and interactive visit
> Forty minute visit – with a 15 minute mini break
> 1 group/per hour
> 7-9 years old
> 10-12 years old

View of the exhibition Material Insanity, MACAAL, 2019 © Omar Tajmouati

Terrain vague (Wasteland)
26.02.2019 – 15.08.2019

For the past 15 years, Nicolas Henry has been creating stage acts for his itinerary theater, inspired by his encounters in the sixty countries he has visited around the world. His photography subjects speak up and inspire the community making them feel seem like the kings and queens of their day. The installation gathers old frames and baroque style artwork with frames which he created from the spare MACAAL construction material.

> A guided and interactive visit
> A 15 min workshop: exploring the inspiring world of tales (Total 1h)
> 7-9 years old
> 10-12 years old

View of the exhibition Terrain vague, MACAAL, 2019 © Nicolas Henry

Creative and manual workshops at the Al Maaden Golf – Club House

Temporary Exhibition: Colored Dream

> Limited to 20 children (4 to 6 years old)
Registration : contact@epicyogafestival.com

A space dedicated to manual and creative workshops will be set up 100 metres from the masterclass area. Presenting the exhibition Colored Dream, showcasing figurative and colorful paintings typically from Essaouira’s school, this space will host three workshops which will include: African Origami, Mandala drawing and Arts & Nature.

African origami workshop

Delicate and subtle art from Japan, after transiting through China, origami means “The art of folding paper” in Japanese. Children will be invited to work on different projects, gathering African shapes, colors and images.

Workshop animandala

Mandala is a Sanskrit term, in Tibetan, which means circle, and by extension, sphere, environment, community. Geometric constructions often circular, the mandalas are deployed from the centre of a circle along different axes. During this workshop, various mandalas will be made available to children who will color and customize them.

Workshop Art & nature

The children will have to imagine and make compositions from floral and mineral elements from the Al Maaden land carefully made available to them.

For more information, visit the festival website here.