Listening to Rythmes (in)visibles

(In)visible Rhythms
Listening session, discussion and concert

Sunday 4 April 2021
3 – 7pm

In partnership with LE 18 Marrakech and the Dar Bellarj Foundation

As part of the Ch[a]rita / السِّيس programme, MACAAL invites you to come this Sunday 4 April for an afternoon of listening to contextual feminisms in Morocco between listening sessions, discussions and music, in the company of sound artist Anna Raimondo, the Douées Mamas of Dar Bellarj, singing artist Meryem Amal / Souaed and sociologist Leila Bouasria.

Listening to (In)visible Rhythms is a proposal by the artist Anna Raimondo in dialogue with Francesca Masoero & Rim Mejdi. Guided by the ears and voices of the Mamans Douées of Dar Bellarj and the singer Meryem Amal, as well as the reflections of the sociologist and feminist Leila Bouasria, they will analyse the place of women in the public space in Morocco, the forms of its appropriation, and will question the construction of dichotomies such as public/private, intimate/collective, masculine/feminine.


Expansion of a research residency by Anna Raimondo, the programme proposes:

3 PM | Introduction and listening session of the radio documentary Rythmes (in)visibles by Anna Raimondo
4h30 PM | Conversation between the Mamans Douées, Leila Bouasria, and Anna Raimondo (mod. Amina Bouyabrine & Zahra el Khiraoui)
6 PM | Concert by the group Ghiwan led by Meryem Amal (Souaed)

>> This discussion is also broadcast on radio streaming from <<

© Ayoub El Bardii


Anna Raimondo
Anna Raimondo uses voice and listening as platforms for encounter, collaboration and exchange, tools for the diffraction of identities. By questioning the limits between public and private as well as between genres and the connotations associated with them, she reactivates or deconstructs imaginary and cultural practices (from the figure of the mermaid to pop songs to encouragements and sayings) in order to replay and fluidify the notions of identity and subjectivity. A graduate of the MA in Sound Arts (University of the Arts of London), she is currently pursuing her doctoral research on listening and its relationship to the discipline of urban geography from an intersectional, decolonial and transfeminist feminist perspective.

Rythmes (in)visibles
Developed during a residency based on an exchange between Anna Raimondo and the Mamans Douées of Dar Bellarj, Rythmes (in)visibles proposes an auditory drift through the alleys of the Marrakech medina from a gendered and plural perspective. Focusing on the oral and auditory approach, the artist wanted to create a multiple chorus of voices based on the personal narration of the women involved in the project, their perceptions, values and daily experiences of the city, in relation to the public soundscape and its own rhythms, which these women contribute to compose.
Produced within the framework of the QANAT and Ateliers Collectifs programmes.

Ch[a]rita / السِّيس
Ch[a]rita/السِّيس is a programme of artistic interventions, conversations, screenings and workshops that takes place in public and communal spaces, as well as in places dedicated to art and culture. For this year 2021, Ch[a]rita/السِّيس will take place from 1 to 17 April 2021 from Marrakech, with a rich programme including the intervention of artists, researchers and cultural actors.
Developed by 18, derb el ferrane and Dar Bellarj, in dialogue with Mahal Art Space, through their research-action platforms QANAT, Ateliers Collectifs et Pédagogies Invisibles. Ch[a]rita / السِّيس is supported by the Susanna Biedermann Foundation, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie and SCAC – Embassy of France in Morocco