Nadia Ayari
Born Tunis, Tunisia 1981
Lives and works in New York, USA
“I realized I didn’t actually have to focus on being a political painter; being a painter is political enough.”
Nadia Ayari is a Tunisian-American painter who moved to New York after studying art and design. Her work hovers between abstraction and figuration, questioning the artist’s roots as much as notions of cultural heritage and identity. Nadia Ayari describes her artistic practice as an awakening of self-awareness. Her work entitled Pink Marble IV (2017)—a fresco painted on a block of marble—is rich in terms of both materials and symbols. The artist presents a composition in which she paints intertwined branches and leaves on the front side of a marble sculpture. The raw character of the stone plays against the subtlety of the medium, suggesting a significant visual and tactile contrast. Thus, Ayari introduces ways of thinking that deal with the subject as much as with the technical process. In general, and in this particular work, she explores the intersection of the personal and the political. Her approach often involves the narration of a story related to geopolitics and the impact of socio-political conflicts on the individual.
Nadia Ayari, Pink Marble IV, 2017
Fresco on marble
13 x 33 x 13 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Taymour Grahne Projects