Dialogue With Life
Intervener: Mo Baala
Date: 26 December 2017
Location: Museum of African Contemporary Art Al Maaden, Marrakech
A Workshop with the students from the Benabdallah School.
For Mo Baala, Art is a poetical visualization experience to see life from different angles and to know who you are.
With Art we learn the way we can discuss with secrets of the existence in intelligent ways.
For this commissioned workshop, MACAAL Team set up a drawing atelier in the museum’s garden. After a guided tour of the ongoing exhibition E-Mois : Autobiography of a Collection with the artist Mo Baala and the MACAAL Team, the children went to the open air studio and created their own artworks with colors felt pens and big drawing cardboard inspired by what they had just seen.
The idea behind this workshop was to empower these students to freely express themselves, with no rules nor boundaries, and to materialize their genuine creativity into a series of gifs and animations.
“School children’s education is the responsibility we all share as artist, as parents and as teacher, to improve the educational system in an effort to support our kids to do what they enjoy and can do well.
Know who you are through what you draw.” Mo Baala